Saturday, January 22, 2011

calcium supplement

Choosing and Consuming Calcium Supplement

Confused to choose a calcium supplement? You are not the only person who experienced it. Although calcium supplements now can already be purchased without a prescription. But because of the type, shape and strength levels varying make consumers become increasingly confused.

It is important to understand is despite the current calcium supplements are available in various types. But the best supplement for the body is best suited to the needs of its users, whether it is based on the level of tolerance, easy, convenient way to consume, prices and availability on the market.

Calcium Citrate. Is a type of calcium most widely used in supplements? This species is best absorbed when ingested with food.

Type Cacium
  • Calcium glaciates. Types of calcium supplements that cater for the vegetarians.
  • Calcium Hydroxyl Apatite. Is a type of calcium supplement that is easiest in absorption by the body?
  • Calcium carbonate. Additional material is the most common and less expensive. However, it is very difficult to digest and will cause burping in some people.
We recommend that you check the label carefully. This is to know the form of supplemental content. If supplements are calcium carbonate, the manifold must be taken with food. This is caused by stomach acid can increase the absorption of calcium carbonate. But if the type of calcium supplement is calcium citrate does not need to be taken with food.

Avoid calcium supplements contain bone-forming element or dolomite. These products may contain toxic substances, such as lead, mercury, arsenic.

Do not be dazzled with calcium tablets with chelae bond. The product is more expensive and has no advantages over other types of calcium.

Type Calcium Citrate and Calcium carbonate is a type of calcium is very good and safe for consumption. But select the packaging bearing the USP (United States Pharmacopeias), indicating that these products have a high standard.

Tip consume
Calcium is absorbed very efficiently by the body when taken a number of 500 mg or less. When should consume 1,000 mg of calcium a day, divide into 2 or more throughout the day until the number reached 100 mg.

Should not take calcium supplements along with iron supplements, antibiotics and some blood pressure medications.Because calcium can interfere with absorption of these drugs by the body.

  • Consult with your doctor or pharmacist to find out the possible interaction between calcium and the drugs you are taking.
  • Calcium carbonate is better absorbed by the body after you eat. While calcium citrate can be taken anytime.
  • May be taken with orange juice or cranberry juice that prove high vitamin C content. Vitamin C can help the absorption of calcium by the body
  • Try to drink a dose of calcium before bed. This is due to hormonal changes that occur during sleep can increase the body's ability to utilize calcium.

1 comment:

  1. Taking calcium is very important for the health of our bones. Thanks for sharing that valuable information about calcium supplements.
