Monday, October 11, 2010

Vitamin store

Fruit accordant to color and vitamin store
Fruit is that all this time you usually consume?
Did You Know? Turned every color of fruits and vegetables you eat, have indirectly indicate the benefits of the fruit?

Here is a review of the efficacy of fruit according to color, good reading. Hopefully useful.

1. Green
Fruits and vegetables that are green contain sulfarophane, isothiocyanates and insoles. Serves to stimulate the level of the component makers that break down cancer-causing chemicals. The more dark green color in vegetables, the more chlorophyll it contains and the greater the need for antioxidant protection. Such as: broccoli, lettuce, spinach, book choir, and green tea. According to the study of tea to give a boost to

2. Red
Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of red pigment that is useful for fighting the disease and leucopenia, a substance that acts to maintain cell health and can reduce the risk of cancer.
Like: tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, apples, cranberries, cherries, red grapes, beets, and red peppers.
3. Orange
Sweet potato, orange squash, carrots, cantaloupe pumpkin, peach, mango, apricot and papaya are some of the examples of fruits and vegetables are colored orange. Each portion of fruit & vegetables are giving a lot of beta carotene alpha carotene, beta carotene which can nourish the body and alpha-carotene can be effective against canker. Half a bowl of fruit and vegetables that is orange to meet the need of vitamin C in the body.
4. Yellow
Yellow color in vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C indicates that quite a lot. Where vatic needed in the body to protect body cells, it contains potassium which is very good for lowering high blood pressure, reduce plaque formation in arteries, and serves as a natural laxative.
5. Brown
Eating habits of brown food, it can help remove toxins that cause disease in the body. Such as: breads, grains, cereals, granola, and nuts. Grains contain lots of vitamin B that can increase the body's ability to convert calories into energy.

6. Blue and purple
The content of magnesium in grapes and raisins is necessary for good movement of feces. Leather wine is also a laxative (laxative) is good. Water contains high enough, so it can add the necessary body fluids. In addition, eggplant also contains cholesterol-lowering pectin in considerable numbers.

7. White
Tofu, garlic, low-fat cheese, yogurt, soy milk and milk are examples of foods that are white; contain falconoid that can help the cell membrane. Low-fat milk may also be helping with the work of the heart while the calcium to build fat and lose weight. So it is good for the body.

It's amazing is not it? Apparently, from the color alone, we can already know the vitamins what is conceived by the fruit.

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