First identify the benefits and effects of sports supplements on the body

In addition to food supplements, there is a sports supplement. This supplement works to support your sports activities. Do you want to add energy, forming a hard body, or tighten the muscle?
Here are some types of sports supplements; you can get on the market.
Isotonic drinks
Benefits: replacing fluids, energy, and electrolytes lost body.
Impact: isotonic drinks usually contain citric acid. Therefore, consuming it should not be indiscriminate. All acids have erosive nature and can affect the teeth and stomach. Therefore, you should consume as quickly as possible. In addition, drinking in cold conditions, because the substances contained in them more quickly absorbed by the digestive tract.
Energy drinks
Benefits: The body can be a source of energy from carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
Impact: The important thing to note is if there is a drastic change in the body. For example, after drinking energy drinks, the body is so much more motivated or not tired. This could be a sign of the effect of doping. If so, can be dangerous. Without realizing the body continues to be forced to work hard. As a result, the function of vital organs (such as kidney, liver, heart) could be disrupted.
Creative Supplements
Benefits: to add energy to muscle cells, thus forming the muscles to look toned and muscular, without strenuous exercise.
Impact: If taken as recommended and proper dose, will not create problem. But, if you exceed the dose and do not offset the proper training can be dangerous to the kidneys.
Hormone supplements (in the form of milk protein)
Benefits: increase the body's energy and build muscle.
Impact: The best, the use of these supplements as directed physician. Because, if not accompanied by the knowledge of their use, could endanger health. Therefore, these supplements work affect hormones.