As a career woman of course you are required to always perform active. Health and fitness become one of the important things to keep so that we can always look excellent. Therefore needs vitamins should always be prioritized.
Some of the vitamin plays a vital role for women. By identifying other important vitamins and minerals will be easier for you to choose which supplement is right for you. Some vitamins and minerals that are very important for a woman,
Vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamin D and calcium are important for a woman's body. Choose a supplement containing a combination of both, vitamin D helps the body to more easily absorb calcium. Calcium is needed for the body to form bone and teeth so badly needed by women who enter menopause.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is one vitamin that is essential also for women. Many women underestimate the function of this vitamin that can help maintain bone health agency.
Multivitamin supplement is widely available in the market; make sure you can select one of the best. Note several things including the influence of hormonal equilibrium, and in other diseases you may have.
Given the materials used in supplements should also always be your concern. One more advance you can consult your doctor or nutritionist before taking supplements.