Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weight loss supplements

Carefully Choosing when weight loss supplements

Beautiful, nowadays, is often depicted with a slender body. Often many are tempted to lose weight fast but less attention in terms of health. This is seen from the number of consumers who use supplements slimming. Did you know you but, should you need to pay attention to the contents of your supplements. The following are some of the content of slimming supplements you need to know.

1. Fenfluramini hydrochloride. These substances are diuretics, making continuous body fluids out. In addition to dehydration, if consumed in the long term lead to vital organs like the heart does not function properly, so that disturbed metabolism.

2. Orlistat. These substances inhibit the absorption of 30% fat from food in the large intestine. Effect of oil waste generated, not the side effects but the effects of orbital-related work closely with patients of high dietary fat. While there are decreasing levels of A, D, E, K, but not significant and the vitamin is still within the limits allowed. Because of its safety profile, until now, only orbital are approved by FDA for prescription of all adolescents start 12 years. Orbital proven to lose weight two times more than the eating and exercise settings only.

3. Amphetamines. How it works suppress appetite. Amphetamines can cause side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, trembling, headaches, and hypertension.

4. Furosemide. More of a diuretic or forcing the body out a lot of fluid through urine. If the body is forced to do this, it is quite likely to happen dehydration.

There are many more substances that may affect the side for your health.

To remember is, all drug / slimming products will not yield forever. If you can not change your lifestyle, it is not impossible that your body will be backing "bloated". That’s why most people commented, "oh I've put this on it, was initially slight, but fat, too.” logic is that every day you eat, every time that food into your body. Impossible if the process is absorbed no food your body.

Well, if you want to trim, it is wise.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Vitamins

Buy the Best Vitamins

However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, in addition to skin care supplements, nutrients to protect the skin can also be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Thus, to delay the appearance of wrinkles, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends the women taking supplements in the proper dose, and still gets natural antioxidants from fruits and vegetables every day.

Here, the nutrients you need for health and beauty skin:

Vitamin A
These nutrients are needed to keep skin firm and smooth. Drug and Food Control Agency United states, women need 5000 international units (IU) of vitamin A per day.

However, if you want to get vitamin A from natural ingredients, you can consume food sources: milk, eggs, liver, meat, and chicken, green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, mangoes, tomatoes.

Vitamin C
Efficacious to produce collagen, so skin always healthy and smooth. The FDA set a daily dose of Vitamin C is 60 mg.

Food sources: citrus, fruit type berries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, spinach, guava, and red peppers (vitamin C content was higher than the greens).

Vitamin E

Useful to protect skin cells from damage. The FDA recommends taking vitamin E daily as many as 30 IU.

Food sources: Vegetable oils, wheat, avocado, and nuts. One tablespoon of corn oil and handheld almonds are the best sources of vitamin E for healthy skin. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts are also added vitamin E intake in your daily menu. Besides, you can also eat peanut butter, spinach and corn oil to meet the requirement of vitamin E.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Best multivitamin

Best multivitamin for Healthy Skin

VIVAnews - Women who take multivitamins every day has the potential of breast cancer. According to a study conducted more than ten years to 35 thousand women by the research team Karolinska Institute, Sweden, published in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The discovery shook the Australian health industry continues to insist that a multivitamin consumers not to panic.

In that study, the researchers found that those who regularly consumed a multi vitamin pill increase the risk of tumor growth up to 19 per cent. The results of this study, Sunday, April 18, 2010, extremely worrying and requires further investigation. Many women actually consume multivitamin supplements in the belief it could prevent chronic diseases such as cancer.

Biologically, these opinions can be explained thus. Vitamin and mineral supplements significantly increase the density or the density of breast tissue which is a high risk factor for breast cancer triggers. Folic acid, which is often contained in multivitamins in solid form, is also able to enhance tumor growth.

The discovery of these Swedish researchers welcomed the Australian health experts with interest and alertness. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Australian women dido. More than 12 thousand women in Australia diagnosed malignant tumor that killed more than 2,700 women each year. One in nine women in the "State Kangaroos' will be diagnosed with this deadly disease at the age of 85 years.

"Results from this prospective study revealed that use of multivitamins may increase the risk of breast cancer," said research team leader, Susanna Larson. Multivitamins including big business in Australia. The leading manufacturer of multivitamins, Black mores even made a profit of a $ 30.6 million before taxes for the fiscal year last year. A number of nutrition and diet experts have asserted that the supplement is not necessary because the human body more easily absorb nutrients from food than from supplements.